Sunday 18 November 2012

Reina's New Band/Sayu Time!

I can't believe I'm blogging about this because, I don't even think I bothered to blog about Aika graduation because it was so close to Gaki' I annoyed Twitter enough with Aika Spam at the time.

THE LINE QUEEN OF MORNING MUSUME IS GRADUATING! KYAHHHHHHH! Reina, and Aichan come to mind if you think of who had a lot of lines during their reign, but seriously, Reina hasn't even been leader yet. Scary stuff.


(Isn't it funny how the first picture I see saved on my computer has all of the solo graduations at the front, and group ones together at the back? lol.)

The Loli queen of all things cute and underage Michishigay Sayumi will replace the queen of bows, leather jackets and freaking coolness.  Well...she sort of already is leader and Reina hasn't been...but still! Maybe she'll get lines! Not autotuned lines and be in the centre even more! It makes me hope that there will be 2/3 new girls who take the centre along with Riho. Maybe Fukuchan, Eripon and Ayumi =3

Reading back on this, It sounds like I wont miss Reina at all. Wrong! As you can see here, I love Reina deeply and she's my third favourite member atm. Anyway,  Reina's still going to be active! Yay!

They look reaaaaally cool, and most people say they want them to be like SCANDAL which I definitely want to see happen. Marina looks like Jessica from the picture, Reina looks cool, Yuko looks just plain awesome, and Marin looks like she'd fit into and any48 group really well =D I have high hopes for sure!

We've still got a while, so lets appreciate Reina in Morning Musume for the next single or two that we have both of them for! <3