Wednesday 11 January 2012

Happy Birthday Mitsui Aika!

Today is a very special day :] (In

My Lovely Aika is....19 years old! \o/ Purple blog post for Aika support! I'm using large text because it's that special :)

Amazingly, Pyoco Pyoco Ultra was just uploaded to YouTube which is incredibly good timing in my opinion! Aika is incredibly cute in her lines and just splats awesomeness all over the MV. The song's about a girl who wants to achieve lots of things and I'm sure Aika is the girl they're singing about. She's just at that age! I can't post  the video because well...I don't know. It's not letting me.

I could easily write a post about the awesomeness, cuteness and brilliance  of Aika but today I wont. (I already have I think)

AI personally love Aika with the 6th gen ^^ She was closer to them and Aichan more then anyone else. 

Click on the image to make it bigger :) 

Aika really became a lot close to Aichan and the 6th gen during MDSK - Only You . At that time she was in so many Sayu and Reina blog posts it was awesome. She's slowly making her way back into blog pics xD And after her Fanclub tour (Today is the 2nd day) I hope she's able to become closer with the Kyuukies and I thiiiink (?) Juukies who should be attending to take part :D



  1. Yay Happy Birthday Aika! Nice post. My fingernails are purple today. For Aika. That, or it's just really cold here. XD
