Monday 21 November 2011

Mobekimasu - Busu ni Naranai Tetsugaku!

Sales so far for this single are looking pretty damn good. I'm quite happy. It's selling slightly more then the average Morning Musume single.

The Song:

Absolutely love the song. Could use a little less Tsunku(He's really audible with headphones) but it's a great song. really catchy and it stays in your head...but that might just be because I'm a H!P fan XD But seriously a great release imo.

Line sharing:

Why couldn't everyone just have double lines T_T Like the Berikyuu single but not absolutely shite and Same-Same. That was such a generic and predictable release about fucking Cherry Blossoms. I love the gaki-Yuuka lines. They're amazing! Riho-Airi lines are good too! Really pretty sounding! Awww I just lvoe everyones voice here ^_^ Reina was the main with 3 lines and And Airi and Risako got one each. First of: REINA ROCKS. I've finally fallen for her \o/ Airi and Risako too! So feirce! I don't think Gaki would have suited a line in this song, so I'm kinda glad she didn't get one.


The Change between outfits is really smooth! Good job! Although at time the zips on the dresses are noticable. There was some good screen time for everyone. Aika looked stunning. Reina, Sayumi, PonPon and Airi too! Riho shouldn't have been the centre. Heck, Riho could have gotten the centre of the song and I wouldn't have complained, but she sticks out more then Kanon imo. WAIT 'TILL SHE MATURE TSUNKU T_T She'll be so pretty oneday! But for now she's really that '7 year old who just joined MoMusu'.

There were two other songs included if I remember. I only remember Kachoii no Uta(I think that's what it was called) is a great upbeat song!

In S/mileage's verson, there's equal line Sharing. Sounds Really good at first but THEN you hear C-ute's version and you hear how high pitched it really is D: C-ute's version is the epicest thing you heard that day UNTIL you hear MoMusu's version! Lead by Gakisan and Reina - WHO ROCK IT OMGGGG REINA AND GAKI FTW <3 Sayu's lines are a little fuzzy and Eripon and Kanon get really Short-ish lines but Still lines :DD Aika gets a good clear first line in the second verse and well yeah, Riho's gets some too of course! MIZUKI GETS LIKE 3 <3 She sounds absolutely lovely!

I haven't listened to Berryz' or Mano's but apparently there are multiple Manos to try and build depth in her version O.o

Good sales and Ranking for the first week! Now apparently something about S/mileage's new sinlgle was just released! Expect another blog soon lol.

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